About Us

Barrister Malik Talha
Ahmed Rahim
Barrister Malik Talha Ahmed Rahim belongs to a well-known judicial service family of Pakistan. Mr. Rahim prior to the studies of Law, attended the Mohammad Ali Jinnah University, Islamabad and received his Bachelor of Business Administration (2002-2006) and Master of Business Administration with specialization in Human Resource Management (2006-2007).
Mr. Rahim served the private sector after his MBA and formally joined the legal fraternity of Islamabad in 2010 as Life Member of the Islamabad Bar Association, Islamabad and in year 2012 joined as Life Member of the Islamabad High Court Bar Association, Islamabad.
Mr. Rahim joined AQ Law Associates, a well-reputed and well-known law firm of Islamabad as an apprentice/junior Advocate, where he got practical experience in dealing with client’s cases, drafting of pleadings & legal opinions, and appearing in courts on behalf of clients.
In year 2013 Mr. Rahim established his own law firm The Rahim Law Office (RLO) in F-8 Markaz Islamabad, Pakistan and since then he is achieving his client’s satisfaction and trust by providing reliable and professional legal services and solutions in modern and latest trends.
Mr. Rahim enrolled himself in Bar Training Test and qualified in December 2021 as Transferring Qualified Lawyer conducted by Bar Standard Board by BPP University London. He has been enrolled in the Honorable Society of Lincoln’s Inn UK.
Mr. Rahim is not a routine customed lawyer in Pakistan as his education and family background do not allow him to only prioritize money over the client’s sorrow and grief. He is of the firm belief that a client shall be provided with optimum legal services to achieve his mental satisfaction and peace. This is why he is one of the well-known and well-experienced young lawyers of Islamabad Pakistan in the fields of Civil Litigation, Family Litigation, Legal Drafting of contracts, opinions, agreements, & notices, and Corporate Legal Solutions/consultancy.
Mr. Rahim contested elections of Islamabad High Court Bar Association and out of his upright and noble reputation, he was elected unopposed Secretary (Library) and Official Media Coordinator of the bar for the year 2020-2021 and actively participated in bar affairs for the betterment of lawyers and easement of litigants.
Email: ce@rahimlawoffice.com
Tel: +92518899789
Cell: +923225522222
Barrister Malik Talha Ahmed Rahim
Chief Executive
We are Experienced
Analyzing The Case
We adopt best legal approach and knowledge & experience to carefully analyze the case.
Taking Steps Forward
Without unnecessary delays, we believe in taking prompt steps to advance the case proceedings.
Court Of Law Success
We have a history of successful cases that proves our competence in legal consultation.
Our History
Founded in 2013 with over 10 years experience in field of Law
Elected As Library Secretary And Authorized Media Coordinator
Elected as Library Secretary, Member Cabinet and Official Media Coordinator of Islamabad High Court Bar Association
Legal Advisor For Islamabad Chamber Of Commerce & Industries
Served as Legal Advisor for Islamabad Chamber of Commerce & Industries
Jan 2020
New Office Established
New Office established in F-8, Islamabad
Oct 2020
Represented Islamabad High Court Bar Association In USA
Barrister Malik Talha Ahmed Rahim represented Islamabad High Court Bar Association in USA by having honour meeting with Mr. Mark F Scruti Honorable Judge of District Court of Maryland and President Maryland District Bar Association
Dec 2021
Qualified Lawyer from Bar Standard Board UK
Qualified Bar Transfer Test from Bar Standard Board and BPP University London
May 2022
Enrolled as Member in honorable society of Lincoln’s Inn UK
Barrister Malik Talha Ahmed Rahim enrolled as Member in honorable society of Lincoln’s Inn UK
Why Choose Us
Client Satisfaction
Client satisfaction and mental peace are a true evaluation of professional services that come from the clients. Almost without exception, our clients return to us, again and again, confident in the quality of services they will receive irrespective of the issue. Our hallmark is the untiring and consistent endeavor to be the home of master craftsmen.
RLO is solution-oriented and provides perfect high-quality legal services from Trial Court to the Supreme Court of Pakistan to its clients which include individuals, foreigners, business groups, institutions, and national and multi-national organizations.
For a Free Consultation (upto Half Hour)
Call Tel:+92-51-8899789
- ce@rahimlawoffice.com
- Mon – Sat 09:00-14:00 - 17:00-19:00